Plaza Espana

Hotel VP Plaza España Concept Video

On this Hotel VP Plaza España project, I worked with an audio visual studio which produces architectural concept videos. They came to me with a storyboard and screenplay and a sonic idea of what the video required, and after some conversations and some sonic brainstorming, we ended up with this beautiful video that showcases the architecture of a hotel to be built in Spain.

The music is styled very minimally. I had just acquired a new inexpensive acoustic guitar ($20) and was eager to try out its colors to see what kinds of tones I could get out of it. With some light percussion and piano and an idea of a sonic theme, this piece was born.

The track used in this project became Corianda, which is available in the on this site.

In the early days of the Rolling Stones, I've read, the boys would send Keith down to the basement with his guitar while they waited upstairs for him to return with a riff or a lick that they could build a song around.

The basement.
That's where you and I need to go.

Tonight…Alexandre Desplat and Malcolm Washington talking about @netflix #ThePianoLesson courtesy of the premier composer organization, @The_SCL


I attended a Veteran's Day ceremony today. It always makes me emotional. I am forever grateful for those who put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms and our country. Thank you, veterans.

Fun fact: I've been a composer using @motutech's Digital Performer since it looked like this... (and before DP, I used Deluxe Music Construction Set - DMCS).

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