The Young Icons

The Young Icons TV Theme

The Young Icons is a new series airing on the CW Network, highlighting stories about the best of America’s youth, including world class athletes, philanthropists, accomplished artists, and entrepreneurs. I, in collaboration with Los Angeles guitarist and songwriter Michael Elsner, wrote the theme song as well as some music used inside the show. Episodes of The Young Icons are available for viewing online here.

The theme itself is an upbeat electro-pop piece with lots of special effects, stutters, synths, and swelled guitar textures. Listen here:

Tonight…Alexandre Desplat and Malcolm Washington talking about @netflix #ThePianoLesson courtesy of the premier composer organization, @The_SCL


I attended a Veteran's Day ceremony today. It always makes me emotional. I am forever grateful for those who put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms and our country. Thank you, veterans.

Fun fact: I've been a composer using @motutech's Digital Performer since it looked like this... (and before DP, I used Deluxe Music Construction Set - DMCS).

In addition to my big news today, some tremendous achievements to my composer colleagues in the other visual media categories:


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